Texas Holdem Rules

Pokermania Irregularities

In all flop games if one of the face down cards is exposed by the dealer while dealing, the dealer shall complete the deal and then replace the exposed card with the card that was to be the first burn card and the exposed card becomes the first burn card.

In all flop games if the dealer neglects to burn a card prior to dealing the flop, and it is unable to be reconstructed and there has been no substantial action it shall be taken back by the dealer and shuffled with the remainder of the deck. The dealer shall cut, and continue dealing. If substantial action has occurred the flop stands.

In all flop games if the dealer neglects to burn a card after the flop has been dealt but prior to dealing further community cards, and the dealer is unable to reconstruct the cards or substantial action has occurred, the community cards as dealt will stand.

In all flop games if the flop has too many cards dealt, and it is unable to be reconstructed, it shall be taken back by the dealer, together with the burn card and shuffled with the remainder of the deck. The dealer shall cut, and continue dealing.

In all flop games if the flop is dealt and turned face up prior to the completion of the betting round, it shall be taken back by the dealer, together with the burn card and shuffled with the remainder of the deck. The betting round shall be completed and the dealer shall cut, and continue dealing.

In all flop games if the fourth community card is exposed by the dealer prior to the completion of the second betting round;

  1. That card will be taken back and set aside, the burn card shall remain and the second betting round completed.
  2. The dealer will burn a card, turn over a new fourth community card and complete the betting round.
  3. The card that was set aside will then be reshuffled with the remainder of the deck and a fifth community card turned without burning a card.

If the fifth community card is exposed by the dealer prior to the completion of the third betting round that card will be taken back by the dealer and reshuffled with the remainder of the deck. The burn card will remain; the third betting round will be completed and a new card dealt.

In all flop games if the dealer exposes two cards simultaneously when dealing a community card and the hand can be reconstructed the correct card shall remain in play. If no further cards are to be dealt, the exposed cards shall be placed in the discard pile, or if further cards are to be dealt, the incorrect exposed card shall become the next burn card. If the hand is unable to be reconstructed the exposed cards shall be taken back by the dealer and shuffled with the remainder of the deck. The dealer shall cut the cards, and continue dealing.

In all flop games if the dealer exposes more than two cards simultaneously when dealing a community card and the hand can be reconstructed, only the correct card for that betting round shall remain in play. If no further cards are to be dealt the exposed cards shall be placed in the discard pile, or if further cards are to be dealt, the incorrect exposed cards shall be taken back by the dealer and shuffled with the remainder of the deck. The dealer shall cut, and continue dealing. If the hand is unable to be reconstructed the exposed cards shall be taken back by the dealer and shuffled with the remainder of the deck. The dealer shall cut the cards, and continue dealing.
